Last Update:.31/03/99 ....WE ARE GROWIN' UP!!!
sTack oVeflow (c) 1999
* At 1998 sTack oVerflow decided start working on proyect "MataPijos". The original idea was developed by Migue, who talk us about it, so Jonathan and I joined to the project (Jonathan= El Jony).The idea was about making a game, in order to learning C. Only I had made a game before.We have choosed a C library, compiled for DJGPP , Allegro, coded by Shawn Hargreaves . The result is being MataPijos (The name was Migue's Idea, I don't know how to translate it)
Tecnical info:
Actual state |
In progress |
Hardware Needed |
i386, SVGA Card |
Software Needed (DOS) |
DPMI Support |
Software Needed (Windows 9x) |
Game type |
Arcade-Action Platform |
We also are porting DOS version to Windows 9X (DirectX6) using WinAllegro, a windows port of Allegro for Visual C++ .
wanna make some levels?
We have developed a level editor , at first time was fo internal use but we have decided let it freeware, in order to people can collaborate. If you want to make the game with us, download the editor and e-mail me at: email:
MPE level Editor DOS version (recommended) | |
MPE level editor Windows 9x version beta (DIRECTX6 unstable) | |
Alpha Release. Usefull to test your levels | |
MataPijos Development Guide | >ClicK< |
OK, some people have interested in the project, which is growin' up. We wanna thank to Angel L. Surf for theese interesting graphics (Web Page logo for example). Some people of other countries have e-mailed us too. Thanks to all.
We are working on the sound-track too.Like everything, it's on pre-Alpha state, but if you wanna hear something, you can get two MP3 from here. They are for the end of the game. (Don't think about good sound quality, they are just examples) . Jimy in Love----- Jimy in love base
We decided to distribute a pre-Alpha verion of the game, usefull for testing your own-make levels. Look at the downloads section
I'm thinkin' about release Editor's code for interested people. If you're interested e-mailme.